Prep Work - the showroom that makes room for the senses
How do you construct a friendly, healthy, and high-performance workspace? A space where conditions are sustainable for the employees and environment alike? Fagerhults Belysning Sverige has moved a step closer to creating a total office experience with its new showroom, Prep Work.
The idea for the new interdisciplinary showroom in Stockholm originated with Kjell Wallin, Lighting Consultant at Fagerhults Belysning Sverige.
“In my work in the past I have been involved in similar collaborations with other professions, and it has always been very rewarding,” says Wallin. “The aim of this expanded showroom was to be able to create a new meeting space. To provide multiple opportunities to see a work environment in a new context. We also wanted to explore synergies with the other companies, and hoped to be able to learn from one another.”
The exhibition takes a holistic approach to the office environment as a workspace. How can we transform workspaces into an inspiring environment for the employees, while also considering aspects such as sustainability and long-term feasibility?
“The customers we have who are planning on setting up a new office want it to increase well-being and creativity, but also reduce daily costs,” says Wallin. “And intertwined with this is are always considerations for sustainability, environmental impact, and heath. When we are able to meet in an area like the one in Prep Work, we can have a entirely different discussion together. We don’t only talk about the effect light has on people, but we focus on numerous aspects of the workspace. We find the dialogue to be a much more productive when we demonstrate the holistic aspect of the workspace.”
The name ‘Prep Work’ means just that – a prepared workspace. A room for work with all of the most favourable conditions for a creative and productive workday. Everything from the lighting and sound to the interior design – and even smell – was carefully chosen to achieve the most complete and comfortable environment possible.
Note Design Studio composed the final experience in the showroom together with our eight partners.
“Once we had collated the wishes of the different companies in the project, we understood the relationship between individual development and the workspace and work environment,” says Charlotte Ackemar, Architect at Note Design Studio. “We discussed light, sound – with regard to both adding and eliminating sound – various textile experiences, and the effect that different furniture has on us. Since workspaces change according to each workplace’s requirements and possibilities, we wanted to provide examples of situations for which the office spaces can be utilised during a workday. Based on this, we wanted to inspire them so that would be able to identify their own solutions to how they could advance this in their organisation.”
In the work, three different sections of the office were identified: a warm-up place, a production area, and a section where one could conclude the workday in contemplation. The partners identified the pieces together, and, in more than one case, customised products for this showroom in order to provide a good idea of what the offices of the future may look like.
The impact of light was an important aspect in the project in order to emphasise the different sections during a workday. And, not least of all, the control and adjustment of the lighting during the day. Humans have not evolved for operating in production mode for a full workday, there needs to be time for breaks and recovery during the day.
"With this showroom we wanted to explore synergies with other companies, and hoped to be able to learn from one another." Kjell Wallin, Lighting Consultant at Fagerhults Belysning Sverige
The purpose of the showroom’s redesign was to be able to utilise the space as a meeting space, for inspiration as well as information.
“Prep Work is meant to be used as both a discussion forum and a hub, where trends and the future of work environments and offices can be discussed,” says Ackemar. “At the same time it is also a statement, where we start to speak about the total experience in which all senses are engaged.”
Kjell Wallin elaborates:
“It is already a very popular area at our workplace. One or more of our own employees use it every day as an alternative to their ordinary workspace. Many of our partners have held customer visits and events in Prep Work, and we have an ongoing dialogue about how we are going to further develop it in 2019 – and sustain interest in it. The idea is for it be a space for inspiration, trends, and discussions. Things change over time, so who knows what our showroom will look like next year?”
Partners in the project:
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