Logistic excellence in new light
- Year: 2016
- Location: Jönköping
- Design: BA Elteknik
IKEA needs no further introduction but one thing we normally don’t see as customers is the background logistics. When you go to a store you want to be able to pick up what you bought directly. Also, when you order on-line, you want the goods on time. The logistics must work!
IKEA Distribution Services have three warehouses in Jönköping and in one of them a lighting upgrade has commenced. The warehouse, with its 93,000 m2, is one of the logistic hubs to serve both customers and IKEA stores. The warehouse was built in the early nineties so it was time to examine the lighting with a view to improving light levels and reducing energy costs. Hence the decision to upgrade the existing lighting system.
The first stage of the lighting upgrade was an area of 27,000 m2 where about 1,000 2x58 W fittings with conventional ballasts were exchanged for 639 InduLED* 12,000 lm medium beam with lined prismatic glare control. The exchange of fittings alone reduced the energy bill by approximately 60%.
The original installation was an on/off system controlled by presence detectors. For even further savings, a DALI Broadcast zone control solution was installed.
Peter Frohlund, service technician at IKEA Distribution Services says:
It was very smooth and trouble-free installation, and everyone here is very satisfied - both with the exchange itself but mostly with the improved lighting.
*Obsolete product. Replaced by Induflex.