Lighting insights - from the land of the midnight sun
Travelling Sweden in summertime is a crash course in lighting theory. Watching the sun dipping her toes in a deep blue lake, before she reluctantly sets on the horizon, is a work of art which can only compete with the spectacular sunrise a few hours later.
During a summer day in Sweden, you can follow the circle of light from dawn to dusk, before stepping into the wonderful sunlight again. The night is barely noticeable. It is no wonder that Scandinavians are obsessed with light. With the blessing of seasons we also have the benefits, and challenges, of the daylight varying with them – and we’ve learned to cherish every moment.
In our part of the world, the number of daylight hours can vary between 6 and 18 hours per day. In the northernmost parts of Scandinavia, at the summer solstice, the sun does not go below the horizon at all – a phenomenon called the midnight sun. On the other hand, at the time of the winter solstice, the sun does not rise at all. At the place from which we origin, the small village of Fagerhult at Lake Vättern in southern Sweden, the contrasts are not that extreme, though there is still a big difference in the length of day and night depending on the season. In June, the sun will not set until after 10 PM only to rise again already at 4 AM. In between, we can enjoy a spectacular twilight.
"It is not wild guessing that our commitment to lighting is a result of the urge to explore our instinctive knowledge of what light means visually, emotionally and biologically." Elin Stjernholm, R&D Manager at Fagerhult
"Part of our DNA"
”The contrasts between the long, dark winter days and the endless and light summer nights are part of our DNA. It is not wild guessing that our commitment to lighting is a result of the urge to explore our instinctive knowledge of what light means visually, emotionally and biologically”, explains Elin Stjernholm, R&D Manager at Fagerhult.
The long, bright summer days have an astonishing effect on most of us. Everyone seems to be happier and more energized. Of course, the circadian rhythm can also be affected, making it a bit harder to sleep. The allure of the daylight is its natural variations. Daylight is living and dynamic – constantly shifting in intensity, brightness and colour. These variations have the power to make us more alert or more relaxed depending on the time of the day. Those insights are the inspiration behind the knowledge used in Fagerhult’s lighting solutions.
”Quality lighting is extremely important for human well-being and affects our health and our mood in a good way. At Fagerhult we have a long tradition of creating lighting solutions for increased well-being and creativity in different human environments, for example schools, offices and healthcare. And this is of course connected to our experiences of the Scandinavian light. In application where needed, we create lighting solutions that complement and strive to mimic the dynamic natural light”, says Elin Stjernholm.
The five different receptors
But how does it work? Actually it is quite simple. Hidden in the depths of the human retina, there’s a network of tiny cells. Five different receptors collect all kind of optical information and each of these “little device” is highly specialized and together they are world class in one simple thing: Gathering and evaluating daylight. How much light does your eyes get and of what quality? As the super sensitive sensors they are, they registers all things light-related and passes the information on to the part of the brain which controls your circadian rhythm.
The lighting information provided by the grid of receptors, transmitted to your brain will affect your body’s production of the sleep hormone melatonin and the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol production will increase at daytime when light levels are high, keeping you alert. Melatonin production starts when light levels are lower and in the dark, at night-time, telling you that the working day is over and that it is time to unwind and rest.
Finding the perfect combination
With this knowledge we are able to create indoor lighting solutions that everyone can benefit from, helping you to feel energized and perhaps even happier. Basically, it is the lighting level, colour rendering and the colour temperature of the light that is most important. Powerful, bright and cool lighting – like the light outdoors on a sunny day will make you feel focused and alert. Dim, warm lighting will make you feel more relaxed and creates a cozy, warm atmosphere, says Elin Stjernholm.
”If you want to create an efficient work environment you can combine powerful lighting levels and light with a cooler lighting temperature, and you will feel your energy levels rise. If you, on the other hand, want a comfier and homier feeling where people feel relaxed, you should opt for lower lighting levels and a warm light. With today’s lighting technology you can easily choose and change between different feelings and lighting scenarios using the same luminaries.”
Gryning and skymning
This is basically the connection between light, human emotions and energy levels and it also explains why we are so fascinated by the shifts of the day, especially dawns and sunsets.
When visiting the Nordic countries you can experience spectacular twilight periods. Close to the equator twilight only lasts a couple of minutes as the sky changes from daylight to pitch black. But the closer you get to the poles, the longer the twilight period lasts, and depending on season it can take over an hour. That twilight is important to us Scandinavians is also noticeable in the Swedish language. Some cultures use the same word for the morning and the evening light while Swedes always use the two different words for dawn and dusk: ”gryning” and ”skymning”.
The daylight is the inspiration
Actually, to any successful light planner, it is the endless sky, the horizon and the blazing sun that is the optimal lighting scenario. Imagine sitting on a meadow in summertime, slowly watching the day fade away. The light is all around you, it comes from all sides, it is not just directed at you from above.
”Lighting solutions that provides comfortable lighting levels from all directions, preferably with ambient lighting from ceilings and walls, is the best way of mimicking natural daylight, telling your eyes and your brain, that the world – and you – are doing just fine. It’s as simple, and complicated, as that!”

Read more about light and people
Light has always been a prerequisite for human existence. Inspired by daylight and the latest science, we can create lighting that makes life even better.
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