Sports facilities

Sports halls all differ when it comes to their design, size and type of activities. Our aim is to help you create sustainable and energy-efficient lighting solutions for all different types of sports facilities. 

Swimming hall

The swimming hall is more than just a pool. It is a place where you make your first tentative strokes and where, later in life, you can find relaxation and a gentle form of exercise. The swimming hall should be a pleasant environment for all ages, offering warmth and light even when it is cold and dark outside.

2 minutes reading

Multi-purpose halls

Modern indoor facilities for sports and exercise are usually connected to schools. Being able to make maximum use of the sports hall is a must. It is an area that is often used for schooling during the day and by the school / local community in the evenings and weekends.

2 minutes reading

Squash hall

Squash is an intense racket sport with a small ball and two players in an enclosed area. Due to the high speed and use of both the floor and the walls, it is important for the entire surface to be well lit.

1 minutes reading

Tennis hall

Tennis is a sport where the players need to cover large areas and quickly figure out where the ball is going to end up. The game requires even, glare-free lighting, not only on the court itself, but also outside the playing area’s lines. 

1 minutes reading

Ice hockey hall

Ice hockey is one of the fastest team sports. As a result, it requires a lot of light, for the players, the audience and the referees. It is a sport that gathers large crowds of people, both on-site and through live broadcast, which places even higher demands on the lighting.

1 minutes reading

Padel hall

Padel is a sport involving rapid turns and where the ball can be played in all directions. Due to the high speed of the game, and the ball bouncing against both walls and the floor, good lighting is required across the entire court.

1 minutes reading

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