The Product Laboratory
Our seal of approval
With focus on good lighting, Fagerhult has for a long time created first class lighting solutions that help improve people's well-being. But how can we determine the quality of our luminaires and ensure that they meet all the necessary requirements?
All products are assessed by the Product Laboratory until we can safely determine that they not only meet but exceed today's standards. Everything from the smallest screw to the direction of the light is tested with utmost accuracy, transparency and expertise to ensure that all requirements are met and that the luminaire will shine for many years to come.
In 1993, we took a major step and became an Intertek* Customer Testing Facility. This step was made possible with Intertek's guidance and annual audits of our management system, equipment and expertise. 30 years have passed since, and we remain proud partners with an extensive exchange of knowledge. Thanks to this long-term cooperation, our products are fully quality assured as our tests results are reviewed by Intertek, who issue the third-party certificates.
*Intertek is a leading Total Quality Assurance provider to industries worldwide.
Normas vigentes y futuras
Las normas establecen cómo se deben probar nuestros productos y se actualizan continuamente de acuerdo con los avances tecnológicos de todo el mundo. Nuestro propósito es influenciar las condiciones que regulan nuestro trabajo, y por ello pertenecemos a varias organizaciones que dictaminan los requisitos actuales y futuros en materia de homologación. De este forma, mejoramos nuestro nivel de conocimientos y fomentamos un dialogo adecuado en todo el sector de la iluminación.
En la actualidad, estamos representados en la Comisión Electrotécnica Internacional (CEI), organización cuyo principal objetivo es el establecimiento de normas internacionales en el ámbito de la ingeniería eléctrica. Asimismo, somos presidentes en el seno del grupo de trabajo nacional TK34 en el seno del Svensk Elstandard (SEK). Nuestra participación en dichas organizaciones nos mantiene bien informados de los avances del sector y nos facilita seguirlos de cerca.

“To me, the laboratory provides a great sense of security. As a representative of Fagerhult, it is valuable to know that our products are properly tested and that we share this knowledge during our customer visits.”
Mikael Johansson, Sales Representative at Fagerhult
Precision creates quality
Achieving the best results requires dedication and attention to detail. Our Product Laboratory does not leave anything to chance and all tests are carried out with utmost precision, above and beyond applicable CE marking requirements*. During the testing process, high demands are placed on the knowledge of our staff and measuring instruments are constantly calibrated to ensure reliable results. In addition to CE marking, we also perform accurate light measurements to determine the light output and distribution of a specific luminaire – also known as photometric data files.
The Product Laboratory gives us control over the entire production chain - from the drawing board to the finished luminaire - allowing us to guarantee the quality of our products, down to the last detail. Thorough testing ensures the safety and reliability of our products, which also makes it easier for our customers during both planning and use. We will never part with a luminaire that we are not 100% satisfied with.
*CE marking is a mark that manufacturers use to indicate that a product meets relevant European Union (EU) legal conformity standards in terms of safety, health and environmental protection.
Póngase en contacto con nosotros y hablemos de su próximo proyecto
Sabemos que los retos y las necesidades difieren en función de quién sea y de la fase del proyecto en la que esté trabajando. Nuestros conocimientos sobre el proceso de planificación hacen que le resulte más sencillo hacerlo bien.