With the end users in mind
- Year: 2020
- Location: Helsingør
- Photo: Adam Mørk
In close collaboration with the municipality of Helsingør, Fagerhult have delivered a good overall solution for the entire ring 1 around the inner city. This is a heavily trafficked route of trains, buses, trucks, drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. The solution has therefore focused on traffic safety, with the grand aesthetics as a plus.
In this solution, there are many different options combined – all with the end users in mind. We have used two different sizes of Opalume, on pole and wall-hung, depending on the surroundings and the purpose. For the wall-mounted fixtures, the arms has been pro-longed so that the light goes free from the row of pruned linden trees. On the more high profile streets, Kronborgvej and Kongens Gade, there is instead a double fixture on pole.
The installation is simple and uniform, and blends in nicely with the cityscape during daytime and allows road users to orient themselves easily and safely in the dark hours. An overall great experience for the municipality's inhabitants.
Products used in this project